Tuesday, July 17, 2012

                Ascend to 5th Dimention

To “Ascend” means to rise, and in a sense that is what we are doing here. 
We are raising the level of our consciousness to encompass the higher dimensional aspects of ourselves.
 Ascension begins with expanding our perception to remember the totality of who we are.  

We are, and always have been, multidimensional beings. 
We are Divine Beings of Love and Light, part of a vast Universe of connected consciousness. As we remember who we are, we do not deny our bodies, or our 3rd dimensional reality.  We simply open up to something more.  And as we do so, the focus of our consciousness shifts, the balance point of our being shifts from 3rddimensional reality to 5th dimensional reality.

 The focus of 5th dimensional reality is unconditional  love.  So the way that we manifest this phenomena is different with each person.  But basically, as we adapt and reach for 5th dimensional living, we strive to love.  
 We attempt to bring more of that energy into our interactions with ourselves and our world.  At the personality level this means kindness, equanimity, and an attitude of love and gratitude.  Joy and Laughter.  
 This is about evolution, not perfection. So we practice this, and try to get better at it. 

    The Ascension of humanity en masse will take place over time.  We are the forerunners.  The pioneers.  As 5th dimensional Consciousness becomes the norm, great healing is taking place.  All of our governing systems will eventually change form, as well as our economic system and educational systems.  This is nothing to be afraid of.  It will gradually occur as it reflects the higher consciousness of  individuals.  The divine feminine and masculine will come into greater balance, and all of their qualities will be understood to be equally valuable.  As you can see, this is happening now. 

 Evolution for our entire planet is happening at this time as pre-ordained, in harmony with certain astronomical and astrological influences.  Our solar system is coming into direct alignment with the Great Central Sun of our Galaxy, which only happens every 26,000 years or so.  Every year, for the last 25 years or so more strongly, pulses from the center have been getting stronger and stronger, and they are astrologically aligned with certain dates.  Mostly equinoxes and solstices, but other times as well, like 11:11:11.  This date and time is actually a portal, allowing major influences for growth and enlightenment to focus in time and space.

 As many of you know, the earth is an intelligent and aware being with an evolutionary path of her own. It was intended from her inception that she would support the experiment in third dimensional consciousness, but only for a time. Her core has already returned to base 5, and she is eagerly waiting for us to catch up. The new magnetic grid is already completed, and the 6th dimensional crystalline grid will be complete and activated very soon. So the earth is ready.

Enough of humanity has re-connected to the Oneness, and made an effort to understand and communicate the process, so that much of the world is waking up!  Yes we will continue to have some Earth changes as have been predicted.  But not anything as dire as imagined.   

People all over the world  are waking up to the true Oneness of our being, and our multidimensional reality. As we do this, and get in touch with our souls, our Higher Self given gifts of clairvoyance, telepathy, and energy healing are naturally re-emerging. It is all a natural process. The idea of allowing is important.  I also find it very helpful to make it a point to spend meditation and social time with like minded individuals.  A practice of personal meditation is also very helpful.  

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